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Judith Wendell, Class of 1999

The thoughts, conclusions, ideas, handouts, slides, moving images and oral discussion presented here are the intellectual property of the presenting students and are copyrighted by them. According to US copyright laws, you may not copy, reproduce or display the contents or materials, or modify the material for commercial purposes or otherwise without the prior written approval of the presenting students and the BTB Feng Shui Masters Training Program. 

Kristi Stangeland

North Meets East

BTB Feng Shui vs Northern Geomancy

The Native spiritual path of Northern Europe compared to BTB Feng Shui.

Hillary Anderson

Wholeness House

“Half Measures Availed Us Nothing” AA

A wholeness home template based on Feng Shui & AA principles for those in AA.

Manuela Milkowski

Feng Shui & Flower Essences

Exploring the Use of "Other" Through Flowers

Adjusting imbalances in the Self through Feng Shui & Flower Essences

Stephanie Surach

Setting Intentions with the Elements

5 Elements and Essential Oils based Candles for Personal Adjustments.

Cathleen Conover

Dressing to the 9’s

An exploration and survey

Applying basic Feng Shui principles and 5 Elements to clothing.

Abha Thakore

Four Pillars of the Prime Minister of India

A Four Pillars view of Narendra Modi’s 2014 election where he won by a large majority.

Megan Burke

Mudras and Feng Shui

The Art of Balancing the 5 Elements in body & home.

Meridians in hands, 5 Elements, Tai Ji, and a reflexologists experience.

Enid De Gracia

Feng Shui Altar

A Traveling Altar

A Feng Shui Alter that collapses for storage or transport.  Then reassembles easily.

Sue Anne Fishkin

Adjusting My “Still Qi” During Illness

Helping friends Re-Adjust “Widow Qi”

Helping people remember their Joy by Moving the Qi of their Living Rooms.

Stefanie Kelly

From Ifa to I Ching

How the Seven African Powers Interact with the Bagua

Global parallels between BTB deities,  Orisha and other deities.

Kei Petersen

Integrative Feng Shui and Social Work Practice

Working with clients in the helping profession

Integrating Feng Shui and Social Work; tools that can supplement each.

Commencement Ceremony

Class of 2015 Commencement

And Class of 2005 Ten-Year Reunion

Commencement Ceremonies

with Specials

Guest Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche

Thomas Amelio, NYOC

Aracely Brown, NYOC


Teachers: Barry Gordon, Steven Post and Rosalie Prinzivalli


Emcee:  Anjie Cho, Class of 2013

Registered Architect, Feng Shui Interior Designer, Amazon best selling author of "108 Ways to Create Holistic Spaces: Feng Shui and Green Design for Healing and Organic Homes:

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BTB Students at Summer Retreat

Welcome to our Summer Retreat
Year 3 Class Altar
Morning Chi Kung
In Class, Deep in Thought
Gathering Around the Fireplace
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